Self-Help books

Self-Help Books for Readers In Sri Lanka

From productivity to personal development, self-help books provide useful information, inspiration, and techniques to enhance many spheres of life. Perfect for Sri Lankan readers wishing to improve their life. These are some of the most often used and modern Self-Help Books. Every book comes with an inspirational quotation and ISBN. All are available at Booxworm with free delivery island-wide for purchases above Rs. 4500. Remember to use the coupon code BOOXWORM for ten percent off!


Few Self-Help books are:

1. James Clear's Atomic Habits ISBN: 978-07352112

"You fall short of the height of your aspirations. You come down to match your systems.

This best-selling book offers doable plans to develop positive habits. Also to kick negative ones, and master the small actions that produce amazing outcomes. This is one of the best self-help books available.

2. MJ DeMarco's Millionaire Fastlane ISBN: 978-0984358

"An accelerator, not a brake pedal, drives one toward wealth."

De Marco presents a unique yet strong viewpoint on reaching financial freedom. Also, prosperity by means of smart decisions and entrepreneurial activities.

3. Héctor García and Francesc Miralles' Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life: Ikigai

ISBN: 123-01431307

"You will want to live a hundred years only if you keep active."

Ikigai presents the Japanese idea of discovering direction and meaning in life. This results in longer, better, and more joyful existence. An ideal reading for everyone trying to strike equilibrium.

4. The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson ISBN: 978-00624577

"The key to a good life is not giving a f*ck about more; it’s giving a f*ck about less. Giving a f*ck about only what is true and immediate and important."

Manson urges readers to concentrate on what really counts by questioning received knowledge with his honest attitude to life.


5. David Goggins' Can't Hurt Me ISBN: 978-15445122

"Only by doing things you're not happy doing will you develop mental toughness."

Former Navy SEAL Goggins tells readers about his life experience and the techniques he used to overcome great obstacles. Therefore, motivating them to surpass their own limitations.


6. Jay Shetty's Think Like a Monk ISBN: 978-19821344

"We can control how we react even though we cannot control everything that occurs in life."

As one of the best self-help books, Jay Draws on his personal experiences as a monk and age-old knowledge. Shetty provides useful strategies for lowering stress and discovering direction.


7. Robin Sharma's 5 AM Club ISBN: 978-14434566;

"Own your morning; improve your life."

Sharma exhorts readers to get up early and start a daily ritual that promotes achievement, creativity, and inner calm.


8. Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements ISBN: 978-18784243

"Be absolutely perfect with your word. Try not to take anything personally. Don't assume anything. Always perform as best you can.

This spiritual master provides basic yet deep insight on how to live with integrity and peace.


9. You Are a Badass, Jen Sincero ISBN: 978-0762447

"You have responsibility for what you say and do. Whether or not people panic over it is not under your control."

Sincero motivating self-help books offer ideas on how to release inner potential and conquer self-doubt.


10. Grit Angela Duckworth ISBN: 978-1501111105

"Common are enthusiasm. Rareness is endurance.

Duckworth looks at how, regardless of challenges, enthusiasm and endurance can enable anybody to reach long-term goals.

Order Your Books Now.

These motivational and transforming self-help books are available online or by visiting Booxworm outlets at Colombo or Wattala. Order over Rs. 4500 and enjoy free shipping island-wide using coupon code BOOXWORM. For any questions, kindly phone us at +947684625 / +94741012016. Beginning your road of personal development right now!

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